Forever Grateful to God for


A make up post

I have a couple days to catch up on after being sick for a few days. Sorry, I'm not going to come up with fifteen things, but I'll get down a few.

What I have been grateful for these last couple days....

My mom coming by with gingerale for me, and supper for Gord and the boys...Thanks so much mom!!

That I'm not puking anymore!!!!!

A visit from Jyll, Erik, Aubree, and Piper yesterday (missed you Delaney). Too short, but atleast we got to see them for a bit.

Getting all the dishes done.

That there are still moments when we can find a laugh

That I'm not drowning in my own tears...well, not yet anyway.

Well, that's it for now. I'll do my best to be back tonight with the five for today.

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