Forever Grateful to God for


My Boys

It is so hard to believe that it has been more than 6 months since I last posted on this blog. On my other one, 'Darkness to Life', its been even longer :( However, I choose not to dwell on that and begin fresh, right here, right now.

So.....Happy New Year!! We are already one month in to 2010. A new year...a new day! I want to get back to focusing on what is important. Find the good in each day, and thank God for it all, no matter whether its good or bad. Five things every day....lets go.

What am I grateful for in this brand new year???? SO VERY MUCH!!!!!

I truly have so much to be grateful/thankful for, but the first five I want to share in this new year are MY MOST IMPORTANT ones.

GOD.....I am so blessed to know my Papa. He has brought us through a really tough year, and continues to show us His love. I desire to know Him deeper, to trust Him completely, to let Him live His life through me, to see what He will do with ALL of me if I let Him. He has blessed me abundantly, and I am so grateful.

Gord.....My darling husband. We have been together for 17 1/2 years. We have been through ALOT. There have been many times that I didn't know if we were going to make it....but God is faithful, and by His grace we have a better, stronger, healthier, happier marriage than we have ever had. I love him deeper than I would ever have imagined possible.

Gabe.....My first born son. A blessing after almost 12 years of marriage. He has such a kind heart. He is sensitive and trusting. Full of energy, and love and hugs. Attitude, yup he has one and it gets bigger with every day of school. LOL I love when he whispers his secrets in my ear. He is a my big boy, and I pray that the mistakes I make with him he will forgive me for :)

Zach.....My second son. Loud, definitely loud. Zach does not know the meaning of quiet. But, he is so darn cute and has the absolute best laugh. Just thinking about it makes me smile. He is a brute, and will get his brothers in lots of trouble over the next many, many years. But, he is so generous with his snuggles and kisses. My second blessing.

Isaac.....My unexpected son. Isaac was a big surprise. One I wasn't sure I was ready for. He is 7 months old today. He is wonderful. He has a beautiful personality, my Gramma's red hair, bright eyes and a huge smile. I didn't expect him, he takes alot out of me, but I couldn't love him more. My third blessing!!!

I am so grateful to have my God and my family. I have been blessed with three wonderful boys. They stress me out, drive me crazy, and wear me out. But I love them will all the love a mother has. I worry about not being a good mom, but with God, and my loving husband, together we have an awesome, AWESOME family!


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